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This electronic platform is intended as a practical resource for field practitioners providing access to key guidance material, tools, best practices, and examples on Migrant Resource and Response Mechanisms (MRRMs) design and implementation. In particular, the focus of this toolkit is on the management of physical facilities that are part of MRRMs, referred to in this toolkit as "migrant centres". 

Click here  to learn more about MRRMs.

The migrant centres toolkit consists of concise entries that provide guidance and tools on specific topics grouped together under four categories:

1. Administration 

This category provides IOM offices and staff with basic guidance and tools to facilitate the set-up and provision of services in migrant centres, including human resources, cooperation frameworks, procurement and logistics, monitoring, and accountability towards beneficiaries.

2. Management of migrant centres

This category focuses on the management of migrant physical centres. It presents possible typologies and management models, as well as resources to facilitate the effective set-up and running of the centres in line with humanitarian assistance and protection standards and best practices. Guidance on beneficiaries’ participation and accountability, information sharing, and community relations is also provided in this section.

3. Protection and assistance services

This category provides a general overview of the main direct assistance services that may be offered to migrants in migrant centres, including case management, food and non-food items (NFIs), health and mental health support, education, training and recreational activities, administrative and legal services and sustainable solutions.

4. Information management and migration data

This category provides tools to facilitate registration of beneficiaries and ensure accurate information management for programme implementation and reporting purposes. IOM’s data protection provisions are also addressed in this section. 


The toolkit is an internal open-source platform. It is designed primarily to provide guidance to IOM offices and staff implementing migrant protection and assistance programmes through the establishment of dedicated migrant centres of various nature.

The entries describing internal management and administrative processes are available only to IOM staff, as well as some of the tools and guidance material offered. To access this content, IOM staff can register by using their IOM account. However, most of the content is publicly available, making the toolkit accessible for partners, migration practitioners, and other key stakeholders. The toolkit content is updated regularly to ensure users’ access to the most recent resources.

The Migrant Centres Toolkit is accompanied by operational tools designed to facilitate the work of all practitioners engaged in migrant centre operations, including an in-person training package. It is conceived to address the capacity-building needs of different audiences and stakeholders, including national and local authorities, operational partners, IOM’s implementing partners, and civil society organizations. Click here to access the training manual.

The development of this platform has been possible thanks to the support of the EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration. Launched in December 2016 with funding from the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF), the EU-IOM Joint Initiative is the first comprehensive programme to save lives, protect and assist migrants along key migration routes in Africa.

The EU-IOM Joint Initiative enables migrants who decide to return to their countries of origin to do so in a safe and dignified way, in full respect of international human rights standards and in particular the principle of non-refoulement. In close cooperation with partnering state and non-state actors, it provides assistance to returning migrants to help them restart their lives in their countries of origin through an integrated approach to reintegration that supports both migrants and their communities, has the potential to complement local development, and mitigates some of the drivers of irregular migration. 
