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Case management

Case management allows to address beneficiaries’ needs in an appropriate, systematic, and timely manner either through direct assistance or referrals. In order to ensure quality, consistency, and coordination of assistance, case management shall be provided in accordance with standard operating procedures (SOPs) to be established for each centre in line with its components and objectives.

Referral mechanisms

Beneficiaries assisted in migrant centres usually have complex and multiple needs that require a comprehensive and multi-dimensional response that unlikely can be provided by a single entity or organisation. Cooperation among different stakeholders such as United Nations (UN) agencies, government entities, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), civil society and the private sector through referral mechanisms is therefore paramount to ensure comprehensive assistance and protection.

Food, nutrition and non-food items (NFIs)

Access to adequate and appropriate food and non-food items (NFIs) is crucial to beneficiaries’ well-being, dignity and health.

Health and medical services

During their journey migrants may be confronted by harsh conditions, especially if in an irregular or undocumented situation. Migrant centres may therefore offer medical assistance to ensure access to health care by vulnerable beneficiaries. This section provides guidance and examples on how these health services can be provided.

Mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS)

The provision of mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) in the framework of migrant centres play an important role in migrant protection and assistance, strongly contributing to the sustainability of other centres interventions. There is no single way or model to provide mental health and psychosocial support in migrant centres, check this section to learn more about the different types of interventions possible.

Education, trainings and recreational activities

Education, trainings and recreational activities can greatly contribute to beneficiaries’ wellbeing, self-perception and sense of belonging. In fact, participation to such activities may offer them stable routines while receiving assistance and provide opportunities for social interaction and self-expression.

Administrative and legal services

People on the move often face challenges in proving their legal identity, as their credentials are often lost or destroyed during the migratory process, and children are born during the journey.

Sustainable solutions

Depending on the context and on the specificities of each case, different types of durable solutions can be sought for migrants assisted in migrant centres. Beneficiaries should be involved in the decision to pursue their preferred option and receive all available information on the opportunities and limitations of each one. More details in this section.