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Types of facilities

This entry presents different types of facilities that may be set up in the frameworks of MRRMs and it offers a series of resources that can help users to define the best format to be established in their context.

Management models

Depending on the context and on the level of engagement of central governments and local authorities, this entry describes four models for the management of migrant centres: IOM managed centres, Centres managed through implementing partners, government managed centres and co-managed centres.

Migrant centres’ life cycle

Migrant centres’ life cycle can be divided into three interconnected phases that follow each other within an overlapping period. The set-up, management and phase out phases are described in this section.

Reception, orientation and information sharing

Proper reception and orientation of beneficiaries and adequate information sharing throughout assistance is key to establish trust and to ensure a smooth functioning of migrant centres and its services. 

Standards of assistance and minimum requirements

Migrant centres shall comply at minimum with the Sphere standards, with the aim of ensuring quality and accountability of assistance and protection in line with humanitarian principles.

Safety, security and incident management

Security in migrant centres premises has a twofold connotation, as it concerns both beneficiaries’ and staff, implementing partners and service providers’ safety.

Beneficiaries participation and accountability

This section details how to ensure the inclusion of beneficiaries in the management of migrant centres, providing examples of various forms and degrees of participation, depending on the context and circunstances. The section also provide guidance on beneficaries' accountability, to prevent fraud and misbehavior notably.

Community relations, host fatigue and environmental management

Establishing good community relations with the local population is a key aspect of MRRMs facilities management. Relations between the host community and MRRM beneficiaries are heavily influenced by the specificities of each context (economic, cultural, political, environmental).