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In some circumstances, provision of shelter and other protection and assistance services may be provided in hotels, guest houses, or private accommodation managed by IOM directly or through implementing partners rather than in dedicated medium or large-scale facilities. Accommodation can be organized per family, while same-gender singles can share rooms/apartments. Specific needs and vulnerabilities such as age or medical conditions shall also be taken into account when planning private accommodation solutions. This option may be a good alternative in the following cases: 

  • When low key and discrete shelter options are preferable because of political sensitivity or security issues related to migrant assistance;
  • When beneficiaries have specific needs that may better addressed in small facilities, as for instance women who just gave birth or victims of trafficking that require specific protection measures;
  • When the establishment of a standalone facility is not cost-effective due to a decrease of the number of beneficiaries because of program downsizing and/or changed migration dynamics in a given location. Conversely, private accommodation arrangements may also represent a temporary solution in case MRRMs facilities reach their maximum capacity.
  • When an urgent need for accommodation arises, for example, to assist vulnerable beneficiaries that cannot be hosted in a larger structure or to host migrants stranded in an unusual location. IOM’s administrate provisions for the establishment of urgent shelter or accommodation are described here. Despite the urgency, it is necessary to ensure that the facility complies with minimum protection standards. A risk assessment shall be conducted prior to select a facility, especially if it designated to host at-risk individuals or groups. The personnel working in the facility shall be trained or sensitized on IOM’s mandate and principles of assistance, and shall comply with its provisions on confidentiality, data protection, and prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse. From their side, beneficiaries shall be fully informed about the conditions of temporary assistance and provide informed consent. For further guidance on minimum standards of assistance in urgent shelters please consult this entry.
Best practices from the field

In Mauritania, vulnerable migrants are hosted in private apartments as part of the pre-departure assistance in the framework of IOM assisted voluntary return and reintegration (AVRR) program. Similarly, in Morocco shelter is provided to vulnerable migrants in private accommodation in urban contexts.


Private facilities are also likely to be situated in better locations than large scale facilities, thus facilitating beneficiaries’ mobility and social interactions. Challenges related to this model concern administrative and logistical implications for IOM, especially if beneficiaries are hosted in more than one facility. In addition, it may be difficult to ensure the provision of the same standards of assistance in different facilities and to monitor the compliance with minimum standards.

Hotels, guest house and private accommodations shall offer not only sleeping areas, toilets and showers, but also common spaces for eating or for social activities, including play areas for children. Access to internet connection or landline phones is also highly recommended. Whenever possible, beneficiaries shall be involved in the maintenance of the premises and a cleaning schedule be established.